KORIMEFA tricycles is for 1-3 year olds. Our toddlers bike is with height-adjustable seat,from 11.81" to 14.17". The KORIMEFA toddler tricycle can meet all your kid's requirements at different ages.
The toddler girl bike can switch between kids tricycle and baby balance bike by pedals. 1: No pedal design helps your kids fast develop essential bike skills such as balance,steering and coordination. 2: Pedal bikes help kids master riding skills.
It's a lightweight toddlers tricycle.This toddler bike is 95% assembled already,and only need to assemble the handlebar in 1 minute by tools included.It's convenient for parents to carry it out everywhere and it just needs small space to storage like backyard,park,under bed or just the trunk of your car.
Recommend Age: 2 - 4 Years Old
Unique Design: Safe, Fun and Memorable.
1. Color: Blue/Pink
2. Package Dimensions: 19.88 x 10.63 x 5.71 inch
3. N.W / G.W: 5.73lb / 7.18 lb
4. Maximum loaded: 66.14lb
5. BPA free, nontoxic, durable and Sturdy